Hi folks, the recording of the first online module is finally ready! As the recording is four hours long, I have created bookmarks so you can skip directly to the part that interest you the most.
Access the recording here.
Please use the field below for any comment about the session.
Given the technical difficulties experienced during the session on Tuesday, tomorrow we will be live with an additional session (voluntary to attend) at 9am to make sure that everyone is OK to move to module two next Tuesday. You can register here for tomorrow's session.
It's clear at this stage of the RISE programme how many obstacles are in the way when trying to put together something awesome. The matter of the fact though is that any obstacle is also an opportunity to learn and adapt, which is I believe is a common trait among successful entrepreneurs.
Thank you guys for your patience and support you have given us overtime. I'm confident that by our second session on Tuesday we will have learned enough to make it a much improved experience.
many thanks Stefano for all the dedication and effort from yourself David & John! I've not been able to make either of the catch-up sessions last 2 Fridays but great idea. I am spending a couole hours this afetrnoon getting my thoughts and notes together. One thing I'm missing is a copy of your slides Module 1 from 31Mar20 so could you point me in the right direction of share link please?
Following your suggestion (thanks Aisling) there is no longer the need to register for watching the recording. Enjoy!